JUTC - Stoney Hill to HWT | Eyedealist Visualizer

The #lapráctica residency was an exploration of working my way from a daily exercises of listening to various audio tracks and creating images between the span of the tracks lengths/ duration to developing a performance piece that offers a painted representation of the tracks content. The animations on the sheer linen surface was defined by "the visual composer" locking shapes into meaning.

This final attempt was s composition of 80% audio clips recorded by myself taking the bus throughout Kingston. the clips we composed to give the impression of a single bus ride from Stoney Hill to Half Way Tree Jamaica zoning in on the various concerns, fears and conspiracies currently circulating in the Jamaican public about the covid 19 pandemic and the vaccine. the aim was to present as many sides of the conversation as possible with an eventual climax and hopeful resolve contributed by the words and interviews of the now transitioned healer #drsebi

File 1- Sun System Radio, Mixed Media, 2021 .mp4

The purpose of the artwork is to capture audio recordings from a wide array of individuals living within Kingston, to provide an outlet for persons to express the sources of the pressure they are facing. The aim is not to focus on a single topic, but rather offer a space for a variation of voices and expressions. The artwork primarily centered around an audio composition that aims to expose issues and offer an eventual climax and resolution. Titled Sun System Radio, the audio composition is a fictional radio program modeled after popular Jamaican call-in radio shows. this fictional radio block is edited in a format that includes these voices as a “call in” segment, which is fielded by a disc jockey. The recording also features an intentionally curated playlist of current music and relevant fictional advertising.


Ziggy is an ‘Echo of The Past’ imbued into the makeshift frame of a sound-sculpture. During his lifetime, Ziggy was a Scottish Half Cast plantation overseer. He was the Son of a Scottish commoner affectionately known as “Alexa,” short for Alexandria.

You can ask Ziggy anything you like. He seems to know quite a lot, but there are a few questions that tend to be challenging for him. Just say Ziggy!, and wait for the blue ring in his cheek to appear, he's ready to talk.

JUTC - Stoney Hill to HWT | Eyedealist Visualizer
File 1- Sun System Radio, Mixed Media, 2021 .mp4
JUTC - Stoney Hill to HWT | Eyedealist Visualizer

The #lapráctica residency was an exploration of working my way from a daily exercises of listening to various audio tracks and creating images between the span of the tracks lengths/ duration to developing a performance piece that offers a painted representation of the tracks content. The animations on the sheer linen surface was defined by "the visual composer" locking shapes into meaning.

This final attempt was s composition of 80% audio clips recorded by myself taking the bus throughout Kingston. the clips we composed to give the impression of a single bus ride from Stoney Hill to Half Way Tree Jamaica zoning in on the various concerns, fears and conspiracies currently circulating in the Jamaican public about the covid 19 pandemic and the vaccine. the aim was to present as many sides of the conversation as possible with an eventual climax and hopeful resolve contributed by the words and interviews of the now transitioned healer #drsebi

File 1- Sun System Radio, Mixed Media, 2021 .mp4

The purpose of the artwork is to capture audio recordings from a wide array of individuals living within Kingston, to provide an outlet for persons to express the sources of the pressure they are facing. The aim is not to focus on a single topic, but rather offer a space for a variation of voices and expressions. The artwork primarily centered around an audio composition that aims to expose issues and offer an eventual climax and resolution. Titled Sun System Radio, the audio composition is a fictional radio program modeled after popular Jamaican call-in radio shows. this fictional radio block is edited in a format that includes these voices as a “call in” segment, which is fielded by a disc jockey. The recording also features an intentionally curated playlist of current music and relevant fictional advertising.


Ziggy is an ‘Echo of The Past’ imbued into the makeshift frame of a sound-sculpture. During his lifetime, Ziggy was a Scottish Half Cast plantation overseer. He was the Son of a Scottish commoner affectionately known as “Alexa,” short for Alexandria.

You can ask Ziggy anything you like. He seems to know quite a lot, but there are a few questions that tend to be challenging for him. Just say Ziggy!, and wait for the blue ring in his cheek to appear, he's ready to talk.

show thumbnails